Tuesday 1 November 2016


One of my newest favourites in the city is Needlework on James St N.  I stumbled upon the shop while
Needlework from the street
browsing Instagram one day and knew I had to check it out in person!  I took the opportunity one fabulous fall Saturday to pop in with my daughter and see what the shop was like.  From the street it is lovely, there is a beautiful modern sign and sweet window displays – it is very inviting! 

When we walked into the store we were greeted with warmth and offered a hand if needed.  I had a few items I saw on Instagram in mind so after getting them I wandered around a bit looking at all the gorgeous fabrics – colour and texture co-ordinated rows, the assorted notions and the row of sewing machines lined up waiting for the next class or sew by the hour customer to come along!

I live quite far from the shop and am not able to take advantage of sew by the hour but I sure would if I lived in the city!  I think it is a great price and wonderful opportunity to use quality machines and a large workspace to lay out projects.  It’s also a way to get in that much needed solo time we all must have once and a while or get a little bit of guidance from others with experience!

Work stations
The classes that are offered all sound like fun!  From quilting to garment making there is something for everyone and at all skill levels.  One day I hope to be able to devote the time to taking one.

The space is incredible and really feeds a creative mind.  After taking a break for almost 3yrs, it was this shop that inspired me to get back to sewing once again.  The fabrics are unique and outstanding in quality.  There is something for every project type from soft cozy cottons suitable for quilting and other ventures to the prettiest double gauze fabrics I have seen.

As a teenager I worked in a fabric store for 5yrs and I will tell you they have nothing on a place like this.  Sure they have their place and purpose but you will not find the special items or feel that genuine kindness in a large corporate fabric shop.  Yet another reason why I love small businesses ;) .

Happy Crafting!

Bonus!  You can order some of the wonderful things Needlework has to offer online:

I enjoy following along on Instagram:

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