Friday 21 July 2017

A sweet read and a child's inspiration

Panda the Very Bad Cat and the beginnings of my daughter's book ;)
Reading is something I have always loved to do.  I spent my summers reading book after book caught up in the worlds created by all kinds of amazing authors!  I knew that I wanted my children to grow up surrounded by books and stories, not only for literacy development but for creative inspiration.  There is nothing quite like the combo of a well written story and a readers imagination!

As a young girl I remember the time I met the author of Malcom's Runaway Soap, Jo Ellen Bogart.  It was so exciting to listen to her tell the story she had written - I was in awe.  My signed copy was read over and over again until I had it memorized!  I never forgot that moment, it was the first time I felt like I too could be a writer some day.

Panda the Very Bad Cat written by Lacey Bakker, was gifted to my children by a dear friend and quickly became a favourite.  This past June the local school was hosting their annual open house and I saw Lacey's name on the program!  I thought to myself how nice it would be if my daughter experienced that author to reader connection I did around her age.

The day of the open house my girl skipped off of the bus SUPER excited to tell me she met the author of Panda the Very Bad Cat and that Panda was a real cat.  This pure joy is like no other, it is marvellous to watch.  Markers and paper were an immediate request since she too was going to write a story about Wally the trouble maker ;) .

I than told her that Lacey had gone to her school once, as did I.  The concept floored her.  This fantastic story was written by someone that I had once shared the same halls with and now she gets to walk them too.  Simply wonderful.

I'm so thankful my little girl was able to sit in on the Panda the Very Bad Cat reading, it meant the world to her and fuelled her love of books even more than I could have dreamed.  She still wants to be a writer and talks about that day in the gym as if it just happened.  

Check out Panda the Very Bad Cat if you haven't already!  It is adorable.  Lacey also has a blog I will link below.  If you are a cat lover, you will really enjoy it!

Also... Lacey's Pandamonium Publishing House just released a new book Unfrogged!  Unfrogged was written by another alumni of our grade/high school - Tamara Botting.  I haven't had a chance to snag a copy yet, but I look forward to reading it!

If you happen to be an author of a children's book, you are a hero in their mind.  That's the miracle of childhood - They see all the greatness that as grown ups we tend to pass by.  And if you otherwise (or also!) write a blog, novels, fact or fiction - you are my hero, and very likely a hero to thousands of others too.

The gift of reading is incredible, it allows us to learn, grow... it makes us feel.  So read to your baby, toddler, child, cat, dog - read to yourself!  And if given the opportunity, let the writer know you enjoy their work.  I know as a newish blogger I love hearing from my readers!

Go grab a book and go read under a tree.

Happy Friday!

Stay tuned for Lacey Bakker's book Deer Diary coming October 2017!

Blog link:

Wednesday 12 July 2017

Summer update: creatures + herbs

It has been quite some time since I wrote last!  End of school + start of summer holidays left me searching for a new routine and I have finally found it!  Our days are now full of random play, various activities and outdoor wandering when it isn't suffocatingly hot out.  I know - super weird for someone who loves the outdoors and growing things to despise the heat but I do.  I really dislike it.

Baby snapping turtle after release
Our yard seems to be home for quite the collection of creatures this summer!  If you follow along on Instagram you have already seen the adorable baby snapping turtle Wally found.  The kids really enjoyed caring for the wee one until we were able to release him on the river bank.  It was a great learning opportunity for us all!  Did you know it takes them 17-20yrs to mature?  Although they live to be 100+ years the population is declining greatly as majority are killed on the road or at the hands of humans long before they have even laid their first eggs.

There is a little garter snake living under our porch though I am the only one to see it thus far.  Garter snakes are awesome for pest control.  Country living means mice are abundant so we appreciate their help keeping mice out of the house!

Toad, our garden keeper
Toads galore can be found in and around the gardens.  There is a really large one that lives near our back steps that the kids always look for it when they head out back.  Toads are great at helping keep unwanted insects away - like mosquitoes.  No one needs those around!

And we can't forget the furry creatures!  There are chipmunks are everywhere!  These adorable little critters are found playing games with each other all around our property.  Rabbits are always plentiful and we have seen some deer as well.

Though we aren't really THAT removed from the city, it sure feels as though we are in our own little world as we watch all the little things happening around us.

On to growing things!

Mint, oregano and dill ready to dry
Though my gardens are nothing special this year I do have quite the herb collection.  Basil, peppermint (so much peppermint!), spearmint, chocolate mint, parsley, cilantro, sage, rosemary and dill are all favourites in the garden.  I recently planted a couple lavender plants for both it's beauty and scent!

All the herbs are fantastic fresh.  Sliced tomato - I can't wait for fresh off the vine tomatoes! - cheese and genovese basil drizzled with olive oil and balsamic vinaigrette is an easy dinner addition I love.  I'm also a hug fan of mint and honey added to mixed berries as dessert!  

dried lavender and thyme
I like to dry herbs as well for seasoning sauces and other delicious things all winter long.  Thyme, oregano and dill are my favourites to hang in the kitchen to dry.  Basil, sage, mints and rosemary I find dry much better in the small dehydrator I have.

This year is the first I have dried lavender and it seems to be doing well just hanging off the cupboard doors!  I plan to use it in teacher gifts for Christmas with my daughters help.

Our summer vacation has started out well, I look forward to mini day trips exploring new places and visiting favourites with my little humans and Wally in tow!

Happy July!